8 Must-Have Guest Instructions for Airbnb Kitchens

Guest Instructions

8 Must-Have Guest Instructions for Airbnb Kitchens

We’ve learned that every Airbnb guest has their own way of doing things, while some want to try local restaurants, enjoy the park, or explore the area. On the other hand, some guests usually want to stay in the apartment during their vacation. So, to ensure that both the host and guests have a great experience, including some instructions for your guests in the kitchen or elsewhere in your accommodation may be helpful. 

Here are 8 things you might want to consider highlighting for your guests:

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Let your guests know that they are responsible for cleaning up after themselves in the kitchen. This includes washing dishes, wiping down surfaces, and taking out the trash.


Provide clear instructions on how to use any appliances in the kitchen, such as the stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher, and refrigerator. Make sure to include any safety tips, such as not putting metal in the microwave.

Cord Organizer for Appliances

Food storage

Let your guests know where they can store their food in the kitchen, such as in the refrigerator or pantry. If you have specific shelves or off-limits areas, mention that as well.

Food sharing

If you’re open to sharing food with your guests, let them know what items are available for them to use. If you prefer that they not use your food, also make that clear.

Cooking utensils

Provide a list of cooking utensils that are available for your guests to use, such as pots, pans, spatulas, and knives. Make sure to let them know where these items are located in the kitchen.


Let your guests know what dishes, glasses, and silverware are available for their use. If there are any items that are off-limits or fragile, make sure to mention that as well.

Recycling and garbage

Provide instructions on how to properly dispose of recycling and garbage in the kitchen. Let your guests know where to find the recycling and garbage bins and what items can be recycled.

Noise level

If you live in close proximity to your guests or other residents, let them know what noise levels are acceptable in the kitchen. If you prefer that they not cook or use the kitchen late at night or early in the morning, make that clear in your instructions.

In conclusion, providing clear and concise instructions for the Airbnb kitchen is crucial for a successful hosting experience. By outlining rules for cleaning, food storage, utensils, dishware, and garbage disposal, guests will feel more comfortable and informed about using the kitchen during their stay. Additionally, including safety tips and noise level expectations can help prevent any accidents or disturbances. As an Airbnb host, creating thorough guest instructions for the kitchen can lead to happier guests and a more positive hosting experience overall.


Why is it important to provide guest instructions for the kitchen in an Airbnb?

Providing guest instructions for the kitchen in an Airbnb is important to ensure that guests are informed and comfortable with using the space during their stay. It also helps prevent any accidents or misunderstandings between the host and guests.

What are some key areas to cover in guest instructions for the kitchen?

Key areas to cover in guest instructions for the kitchen include cleaning, appliance usage, food storage, food sharing, cooking utensils, dishware, recycling and garbage, and noise level expectations.

Should hosts provide safety tips in their guest instructions for the kitchen?

Yes, hosts should provide safety tips in their guest instructions for the kitchen to prevent any accidents or injuries that may occur while guests are using the appliances and utensils.

What should hosts do if they don't want guests to use their food or certain kitchen items?

If hosts don’t want guests to use their food or certain kitchen items, they should clearly state that in their guest instructions for the kitchen. This will prevent any confusion or misunderstandings between the host and guests.

Can providing guest instructions for the kitchen lead to a more positive hosting experience?

Yes, providing clear and concise guest instructions for the kitchen can lead to happier guests and a more positive hosting experience overall. It helps guests feel more comfortable and informed about using the space and can prevent any issues that may arise.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Fascinating read, thinking about going into the AirBNB business but I’m a little scared.

    1. Lemar

      Same here but, I will do some in depth research first.

    2. Cassie

      Yeah the Airbnb game is no walk in the park but it can be very rewarding if you have a great team and systems in place.

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